Our Mission

bp employee PAC is a nonpartisan political action committee (PAC) that encourages voluntary employee participation to help elect candidates who seek to advance policies that create a healthy business environment for bp. The PAC is driven by our purpose to amplify bp’s collective voice on regulatory and legislative issues that impact our employees, our company and our industry. And a strong PAC takes all of us working together.

The bp employee PAC has updated our giving criteria and abides by four guiding principles to ensure our PAC contributions are serving the mission of the PAC. They are: bipartisanship, transparency, focus on the future, and PAC governance. With these principles in place, we are confident that bp employee PAC is well-positioned to best support our company’s mission. 

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Arturo Silva to learn more about the PAC.    

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PAC?
A PAC, which stands for Political Action Committee is a group of individuals who join together to help elect candidates for public office who share their views. To protect their interests, most large corporations operating in the U.S., labor unions and issue interest groups have PACs.
Why does bp need a PAC?
The bp employee PAC allows us to support candidates and key policymakers who support our mission, business goals, and, most importantly, the best interests of our customers and employees.
How does MY participation in the PAC affect our company?

Our PAC is only as strong as our employee engagement. We need as many voices and action takers as possible to help get us there. As we continue to expand into new areas of business, we will need to build new relationships with elected officials and in areas of the country where those operations will take place. And that’s why having active employee engagement will be critical to developing those relationships and driving growth in our new business ventures.

Involved employees and the PAC work together to amplify our views on the issues that matter. The greater employee participation we have, the greater our potential is to make a positive impact on the future of energy, for ourselves and our communities.

How can I join the bp employee PAC?
Visit the “Join Us” page to make a contribution. Eligible bp employees may give a one-time contribution or they can easily set up recurring monthly payroll deductions.
Who is eligible to contribute to the bp employee PAC?
Individuals must be a US citizen or lawfully permanent resident in the US and generally must meet one of the following criteria:
  • bp salaried employees pay levels H and above
  • Spouse of eligible bp employee
  • bp stock owner
  • Spouse of bp stock owner
  • How does the bp employee PAC select candidates to support?

    The bp employee PAC Board of Directors follows set guidelines in determining support for candidates. Called “Criteria for Candidate Support,” they include:

    • Supportive of the bp strategy and/or willing to engage in dialogue about issues important to bp.
    • Position on a committee with jurisdiction over policy issues important to bp.
    • Representation of a state or district where bp has significant operations and interests and/or an employee presence.
    • Elected leadership position.
    • Demonstrates respect for the institutions of democracy and the rule of law.
    • We will evaluate policy positions and public statements using the bp values as a guide, including a commitment to fostering diversity, inclusion, and racial equity.

    Once the criteria is met, there’s a strong bias for candidates recommended by bp employee PAC members.

    Although we may not agree on every decision, the bp employee PAC supports a bipartisan slate of candidates who will champion policies that protect and grow our work, purpose, and mission.

    Can the PAC give to both political parties?
    Yes. The PAC is totally nonpartisan. The overall balance of contributions between Republican and Democratic lawmakers is primarily determined by the issues important to bp employees, a candidate's committee assignment or leadership role and the demographics surrounding bp facilities. 
    How can I change my contribution level?
    You can change your contribution level at any time by entering your new contribution amount on the pledge page.
    How else can I get involved?

    You can play an active role in the PAC by studying candidates and campaign issues relevant to the PAC, as well as getting involved in PAC events and programs. You can also be an ambassador of the PAC and spread the word about it to other eligible employees.

    Is joining the PAC truly voluntary?
    Yes. You will never be favored or disadvantaged based on whether or not you contribute or how much you give. And while there are suggested giving levels, you can give any amount you like up to $5000 per calendar year––the maximum amount allowed by law.  
    Are my PAC contributions tax deductible?
    Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

    PAC Match FAQ

    Have a question about the PAC Match program? 

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    Thank You Members

    Kenneth Comey, Douglas Montgomery, Andrew Zone, James McKenna, Nick Onufrak, Ayana McIntosh, Faye Gerard, Eric Samuelson, James Busch, Jeffrey Gibbs, Mitzi Appling Beebe, Mark Hunter, Eric Matthews, Bernard Panak, Ryan Malone, Triscilla Taylor, Donnie Brown, Joe Trapp, Betsy Carr, Chris Born, Michael Malmgren, Jill Landers, Michael Schopler, Soman Dhar, Jean Martin, Rebecca Raftery, Stephen Duncan, Eric Ekstrand, Peter Nowobilski, Keith Archambault, Gerald Murphy, Damian Bilbao, Craig Marcum, Brant Hasebe, Pamela Brady, John Parks, Scott Neuhauser, Kellen Wiggins, Glenn Gesoff, Dawn Bobbitt, Peter Wilbur, Nathan Block, Craig Comstock, Donna Ward, Starlee Sykes, George Cassidy, Diana Azhdarinia, Mark Crawford, Terri Bercich, Aleida Rios, Kevin Fontenot, Scott Wren, Ryan Cadenhead, Katheryn Moreno Nangulari, William Burton, Pat Simons, Rebecca Kelly, Andy Krieger, Phil Cochrane, Diane Johnson, Zackary Starbird, Winston Burbank, Louisa Freeman, Ashley Brown, Kimberly Coomber-Hallum, Abraham Vereide, Maria Viso, Michael Sosso, Hayri Sari, Chad Bown, Tara Harrison, Laura Hunter, Scott Lipp, Arturo Silva, Abigail Motsch, Kathleen Martinez, Brett Clanton, Mark Shalkowski, Vic Lyday, Kay Reed, Donald Craig, Christopher Kope, Robert Guido, Murray Folk, Terry Howell, Paul Gannon, Robert Miner, Beth Amado, Chad Rosenberger, Mary Streett, Robert Sigal, Tom Wolf, Patsy Williams, Gil Bujano, Jamie O'Keefe, Dwight Mosley, Jan Lyons, Jamie Graves, Shawn Holzhauser, Allison Lim, Jeffrey Judycki, Sam Knaizer, Robert Scher, Brendan Philip, Michael Wortham, Heidi Keller, Megan Baldino, Kathleen Sebastian, Sarah Tomalty, Jessica Kemp, Jessye Palladino, Mark Borowski, John Phillippe, Elyse Guevara-Harris, Michelle Orrock, JP Fielder, Matthew Cobb, Jennifer Sutherland, Isabel Mogstad, Gregory Franks, Jeffrey Stein, Nathan Weiss, Olga Chistyakova, Katherine Stonewater, Marisa Buchanan, Laura Duszynski, Christine Hughey, Darrell Johnson, Marcus Koblitz, Andrew Vlasaty, Steven Gray, Grant Cummings, Hanna Bruno, Jill Ritchie, Justin Prestidge, Benjamin Bassett, Christopher Dellafranco, David Woodruff,